A Case Study Video Showcasing the City Concierge Service and Vibrant Community at Connected Brighton.


Lyndsey wanted a video to encapsulate everything her business has to offer from unique cultural activities, casual networking to exclusive offers for connected business club members.


Create a compelling video for the Connected website that brings Lyndsey's brand to life, highlighting the journey of Connected whilst humanising its story. The video should inspire viewers to join the community by showcasing its values, impact, and the benefits of being part of it.


We discussed Lyndsey's target audience, her personal approach and decisions on what would be most relevant to film. We filmed a variety of cultural events alongside many local businesses in the hope to showcase not just connected but also the people that make up connected and what it is today.


The video effectively covers everything the brand wants to showcase whilst remaining visually interesting and engaging as to keep viewers attention spans throughout the 3:30 run-time.

Want to get something made?

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